Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bloomin' in First Grade

Back in the fall, my students planted 50 tulip bulbs, for a Journey North project.  Throughout the last part of the year, we checked the temperature and added mulch.  We got our first sprout at the end of January.  Our very mild winter forced several flowers to wake up early. 
Can You Dig It
Spreading Mulch on a Cold Day

Then the snow came.  I tried to prepare the students for the disappointment that might come.  Then we noticed more sprouts and at least one bud.  Finally, this week, our first tulip opened up.  Then there were so many tulips that we had a hard time counting them.  The students wanted to stop and count them every time we passed them.  We did stop to measure the leaves.  They got their chance to count them when a substitute took over for our 1/2 day workshop.  They used yarn to group the plants in tens.  They counted 37 plants.  I think about twelve had actually bloomed by then. 
Wake Little Tulip
Our First Tulip

The students are so proud of their hard work.  The teachers keep telling them what a great job they did.  All I did was take pictures and video.  The students really did do the digging and planting, because I don't like worms.  So much for my garden themeRight?  Our next gardening project will be to plant some vegetables and flowers in one of the school's garden plots.

Which One Did You Plant?


  1. That looks so fun! I'm your newest follower. I teach first in CA.
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Vicky, Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I am now following your blog.
