Monday, June 30, 2014

Updated Library Centers

Among my many projects this summer, one is to update some Library Centers that a good friend gave me.  She is hanging up her Librarian Hat and gave me some goodies.  Some of the goodies were some that she created or bought, but some were created long before she became a librarian.  After going through the goodies, I realized that some of the activities are very helpful, but they would not appeal to today's elementary students. 

So far, I have updated two versions of the Alphabetizing Author's Names.  I updated one for the Easy section and one for the Fiction section.   I want the students to be familiar with the alphabetical order of their favorite authors, so they can find books on the shelves.
Inside the folder
Oldies, but Goodies
Updated List of Authors  

I also updated the list of author names.  Students will recognize the new authors. 

21st Century Answer Key
I added a QR code answer key, but I also included the traditional answer key. You never know when the wifi might be down. Another reason for including the traditional answer key is currently we have one iPod for the students to use.  That leads me to another project that I will be working on - a Donors Choose project for an iPad.  Hopefully my first book fair will allow me to purchase one or two iPads also.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Get A Job, Chicken Little!

I am still here!  Grad school, Book Fair, Disney, Testing, Inventory, and a Leadership Institute have kept me busy, busy, busy.

One of my favorite things that I do is collaborate with the other specialists.  We did a Career unit after realizing that students really do not know enough about careers.  The art teacher helped students explore careers that involve art.  They also learned about some famous artists.  The music teacher and PE teacher also explored careers in their fields. We explored a variety of careers in the library. We made an ABC book and a "When I Grow Up" book about careers.
When I Grow Up

The most awesome thing we did, was produce a career program for PTA night.  The kindergarteners did a Community Workers skit.  The first graders did a Career Day skit.  Originally, I wanted each grade level to do an adaptation of a fairy tale.  I wanted lumberjacks, construction workers, masons, interior decorators, and insurance adjusters to be new characters in The Three Little Pigs.  You get the idea.  All the snow days made planning difficult.  I insisted that we do at least one fairy tale with a fox in it.  I think you see where this is going.  The second graders did Get a Job, Chicken Little.  Okay!  I modified a skit that I bought on Teachers Pay Teachers

Chicken Little was a pizza delivery person, Henny Penny was a florist, Ducky Lucky was a landscaper, Goosey Loosey was a farmer, Turkey Lurkey was a billboard installer, and Foxy Loxy was a police officer. While delivering pizza to the school secretary, "something" fell on Chicken Little's head.  She needed to let the mayor know.  As she is joined by the other characters, they get pulled over by Foxy Loxy.   The principal came in at the end as the mayor.  The program ended with the cast and audience dancing to "What Does the Fox Say?"

Each specialist contributed to the program.  The music teacher provided music and songs.  The art teacher made most of the props.  The PE teacher taught the dance to every grade level.  I became a screenwriter and editor for a few weeks.  Each specialist played the role of director at some point. The students amazed us by learning the songs and lines in such a short time.  The only disappointment is that nobody recorded the program.