Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lemonade for Sale

Ready for Business
We were able to integrate social studies and math on Tuesday.  We have been talking about goods and services, needs and wants, and supply and demand in social studies.  I introduced money into our classroom management, so we have been learning how to count money also. Our annual field day took place on Tuesday.

After talking to the PE teacher, I realized that no one was selling snow cones or cotton candy like they did at last year's field day. I had almost an entire bulk-sized canister of lemonade left from my grand-daughter's birthday party.  I saw an opportunity for first graders to make money to get games for the Leapster Explorers or Leap Pads that were obtained from Donors Choose or a Reading Association grant.

During Guided Reading, one group of students read Making Lemonade-a Reading A-Z book.  Another group read Lemonade Stand.  We also used Lemonade Stand during Guided Math groups, since it involved counting coins. 

Sack Race

Parents were available to help sell lemonade so the students could enjoy the field day events.  We could see our lemonade stand from the field.  The students got so excited when they saw the long line of customers.  They were even more excited when we counted the money.  We made more money than we thought we would.  We could have made more, but we ran out of lemonade.  That was another lesson that the "little entrepreneurs" learned. 

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